How Minimalism Can Improve Your Health
Maybe it’s just a passing trend, or maybe it’s here to stay. One thing is for sure: Minimalism can help you clear your mind. And isn’t that always good for your health? Here are a few ways to infuse minimalism into your life to improve your health:
De-clutter Your Desk to De-Stress
Despite being technically advanced, today’s workforce still manages to make a mess or two. Whether it’s papers you need to file or books and manuals that create clutter, having too much stuff can create a lot of mental clutter. Take a minimalist approach to your workspace! Store papers that aren’t needed at the moment somewhere else, tuck away books that you can read later. Organize your desk into priority items only. If anything, making a to-do list will help you keep track of your priorities. So don’t lay it all out on your desk at once!
Eat Simple
Okay, so some health food snacks do come with a bunch of complicated and hard to say ingredients. But eating simply just means to make the base of your diet simple, whole foods. Instead of loading up on refined sugars and empty calories, fill your body with foods that benefit you. They’re likely to come from nature, barely if not at all modified. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.
Live Simple
This doesn’t mean you have to cut down your ambitions or isolate yourself from the world. Living simply means to allow yourself to be present, and not be confined by your expectations. So instead of living day-to-day on a busy schedule where you hardly have to to enjoy things in the present moment, re-plan your day so that you can. Also, it’ll help you focus and give quality attention to your work and relationships. Don’t clutter your day. Make it simple and enjoy it!
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