HR Tech?
HR Enters The Tech Generation
In a society that is knee deep into all things digital, the employment market demands are
starting to change fast. Human resources professionals everywhere have more than taken notice –
in fact, they're already gathering the latest tools to put in their employee toolbox. The latest
tech trends – from applications to social media – are all here to stay and as such, companies
are evolving along with them. Here at Crossroads, we're navigating those new trend waters right
there with you! Here are a few things to we're watching out for in the future of employment services:
1.) “Appification” Has Arrived
HR technology expert Josh Bersin recently published a blog post, “HR Technology For 2016: Ten Disruptions
On The Horizon,” in which he emphasized mobile apps as the future centerpiece of HR technology.
He says “appification has arrived” because mobile apps are some of the most easy to use, mass sharing
tools that an HR professional could dream of. Both organized and time-saving, mobile apps are fast
becoming HR's not-so-secret weapon of choice.
Crossroads has grown into a national recruitment agency because of apps like this increasing our reach.
Mobile apps make our processes expansive and efficient - making it that much easier to find top candidates.
2.) Shareability
Staffing companies have always been keen on sharing their opportunities and talent through
their large networks. With the age of social media, HR and staffing companies can optimize
their ability to share their resources to the masses fast. They provide immediate access to
job leads and a huge talent pool. This helps them appeal to the newest members of the workforce –
Millennials and Generation Z.
Check out Crossroads’ social media platforms.! For the latest in HR trends and tips, check out our
social media pages and our blog
3.) Analytics and Feedback
Both marketing and “people” analytics are making major waves in the evaluation game. Online dashboards
for both HR and employees are making internal communications faster and more effective. Want to see if
your marketing strategies are working online? Free and cheap analytic tools can help measure your campaign
strategies – allowing you to figure out how to reach the best people for your company.
Crossroads's web and social media analytics provides important insight into how to reach out
to clients and candidates the most effectively.
4.) Productivity Hacks
Bersin's post notes that companies are taking action in responding to employee overwhelm. From team
wellness activities to organization apps, there is a lot of new productivity technology that smart
HR professionals are implementing into the workplace.