Your Carbon Footprint

How To Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Most Americans are exposed to tons of greenhouse gases daily and just consider it normal. From expending electricity and gas to using too many plastic or manufactured products, there are so many every day habits that you may have no idea are actually hurting the environment tremendously. Don't worry, you don't have to give up your hard earned comforts and utilities all together. In fact, a few small hacks can make a huge difference – in the office, at home, and everywhere else! Here are a few things you can do to decrease your carbon footprint:

Did you know that appliances still utilize energy even when they're switched off? So that means when your phone charger still gets hot even though you're not charging your phone, its actually just utilizing unnecessary energy. When your hair dryer or electric razor are plugged in, they're utilizing unnecessary energy. The solution? Simply unplug anything you can. Appliances that aren't being used all day like a toaster or even a powerstrip – you can unplug it all.

Reduce Paper and Printer Usage
Do you really need to print that page out, or can you save it on your computer? Can you print double-sided? Find opportunities to lessen your paper use. Recycle! If you don't use your printer as much, unplug or at least save your document and send a pdf instead.

Use a Laptop Instead of A Desktop
Laptops use much less energy than desktop computers. Bring your laptop to work or get one instead of a desktop at home if you don't have heavy tech needs.

Use Your Car Less
Carpool to work or use public transportation! Can you use your bike instead of your car on the weekends? Can you walk to where you're going? Get some exercise, help the environment. Everyone wins.

Change to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Compact Fluorescent (CFL) bulbs last longer than regular light bulbs, plus they use 80% less energy. Not only does this lessen your carbon footprint, it also lowers your energy bill!

Change Up How You Use Water
Switch to cold water when you wash your clothes – warm water eats up a lot of energy. Take short showers when you can. Drink filtered water instead of getting those plastic water bottle packs. Can you think of more ways to cut down excess water use?

Buy Local Produce
Reduce the effects of fuel on the environment due to shipping from produce manufacturers. Buy locally grown and/or organic from farmers and growers. Better yet, grow some produce in your backyard!

Be Conscious Of Your Food
When you throw away food, it goes back into the environment in the form of waste. So don't waste food! Try to eat less meat, it contains a lot of carbon dioxide. Of course, remember to eat things in moderation.

Sources: Green Wiki,