How To Use Gratitude To Promote Office Wellness

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How To Use Gratitude To Promote Office Wellness
A great company atmosphere is a mixture of focused, quality work and good employee relations. In addition to the dozens of employee engagement programs and wellness activities that employees love, there are simple ways to encourage office wellness. In particular, an attitude of gratitude goes a long way. Here’s how to promote office gratitude and increase wellness:

Support Peer-To-Peer Recognition
Workplace leaders should recognize their employees in a show of gratitude, but it doesn’t have to stop there. What are some ways in which your employees celebrate each other? Maybe you have a gratitude jar for the office, and an employee can write on a piece of paper one thing they appreciated that another employee did that week. Maybe it’s as simple as having a potluck for a holiday, or better yet, a staff member’s birthday party. Whatever the occasion or activity, your employees shouldn’t be competing for your recognition, but rather, being supportive of each other’s.

Do community service together
At Crossroads, we engage in our community by volunteering for local nonprofit programs and events. Whether it’s quarterly or it’s an event an employee suggests, giving back to your community can spark a sense of purpose and gratitude that’ll surely uplift your office wellness. What are some causes your employees are passionate about? Maybe you can simply sign up for a walk that benefits a health issue remedy, and thus both encourage your personal wellness and that of the community’s? Brainstorm fun, engaging ways to help out!

Start a gratitude campaign
Whether it’s through social media or just within your office, why not make gratitude an ongoing challenge? You can encourage your employees to state one thing they are grateful for at the start or end of meetings. You can create a social media campaign by announcing to your company followers that you’re posting one thing you’re grateful for weekly. Engage other companies, make it known. By actively promoting positivity, your company, your employees, and yourself will gain gratitude and increased wellness.

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