Teaching Your Children Skills For Business

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Teaching Your Children Skills For Business
As HR professionals, we're often looking as closely at our company's needs as we do our own families. From setting boundaries for safety to providing support where needed, an HR professional's role is to grow a company that functions well together while making sure each individual is accounted for. Sure, maybe HR professionals are a little better able to push employees into shape than their kids – one has specific work protocols while the other desires some freedom of choice. But, there are certainly some things you can instill into your children to help their growth, that can also help their professional lives going forward. The great part? Its very similar to the workplace!

Creativity is something your kids, no matter what their temperament, have an abundance of. A majority of people nowadays will look back at their youth, wishing they had persevered their “creative confidence” in adulthood. Don't let your kids fall into the same trap. Contrary to popular belief, creativity doesn't disrupt all learning other subjects. Actually, it may help with critical thinking as well as other deductive skills. The ability to make connections between similar things – creativity – is valuable in business and professionalism in general. Creativity helps one with strategic planning and problem solving skills. Its also great for any budding entrepreneur. Not all creativity is used in painting – it helps loads in the workplace, too.

Confidence and Good Self-Esteem
This is vital for any child hoping to achieve their dreams in life. Start teaching your kids to form opinions based on good values. Encourage them to do their best, and especially, how to start handling failures. Instead of making all their choices for them, look for opportunities where it wouldn't hurt for them to handle a situation themselves. Their ability to follow their own set of important values is necessary for making decisions and becoming a person of integrity when they grow up. This kind of confidence comes from a more valuable place than just praise and awards do alone.

My mother never gave me an allowance for doing my chores growing up. This wasn't any sort of punishment. It was her belief that you shouldn't be rewarded for doing things that you should be doing automatically. That association between work and rewards wasn't a good way to learn in her opinion. I actually agree. Of course, its up to you how you want to instill the value of responsibility. The point is, you should teach them to do things not just because they should or because they'll benefit. They should because it is right and important for well being. Give them opportunities to take initiative – such as babysitting when they're old enough, or simply volunteering to take out the trash. That sets them up to become leaders with initiative when they grow up.

Its terrific that you're teaching your kids self-confidence in their abilities. In tandem with that growth, now is the time to start growing their emotional intelligence. Kids aren't too young to start learning about harder emotions – they become angry, sad, even jealous very early. Encourage them to be open with emotions, and help them understand why they feel the way they do. Also, help them understand how to interact with other kids the same way. When kids learn how to play nicely in the sandbox, that preps them to play nicely in the workplace. It is a truth that some kids can even act more mature than some adults do when it comes to feelings.

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