Moving On Up: Reaching For That Promotion

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Moving On Up: Reaching For That Promotion
So, you've been at your company for a while now and feel like you know the ropes pretty well. Don't be so modest – you've been doing great work! Chances are, your manager has noticed as well. If you're looking for an opportunity to move up, now is the time! Here are a few ways to earn your promotion:

Evaluate yourself first.
Before you head to your boss, take an honest self-assessment. With your current level of productivity, how will you deal with additional responsibility? Is there a way to challenge yourself at your current position instead? How much of an adjustment will this promotion be to your lifestyle? Breakdown things like your health, possible overtime work, and any other factors.

Show personal growth.
While consistency is always appreciated, earning a promotion requires doing something that makes you stand out. A great quality bosses love to see is improvement. Are there skills you can advance in? Can you suggest new ideas or changes to your current projects? What can you do to show your ambition and growth?

Start stepping up.
Establish yourself as an important part of the team. Not only does that show your boss you're capable of being a leader, you also get to preview what a future promotion would entail. Can you maximize your effectiveness by taking on more duties for that group project? Can you volunteer to help your manager out directly? Look for opportunities to show your potential. Keep in mind, there is a difference between taking initiative and just trying to show-off.

Prep your plan of action.
Time to plan your approach! Be proactive – set up a time to speak with your boss. Let them know why the work you've done makes you believe you are worthy of a promotion. State clear, concise points. For example, “I've completed each project well ahead of time, and took on more responsibility than was needed”. Make sure to point out how you're willing to grow. Be honest about the things you need to work on. Lastly, share your ideas! Explain what you're going to do to improve your workplace.

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