How Stress Can Be Beneficial (But Not Entirely Recommended)

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How Stress Can Be Beneficial (But Not Entirely Recommended)
Stress. Even saying it out loud can make you a tad anxious. Stress isn't something we'd wish upon someone, due to the harm it causes on mental and physical health. But its very important to point out that not all stress is created equal. In fact, some stress may actually be good for you. Here's how:

Boosts Brainpower
According to, there are some situations where stress is actually beneficial to your brain. The stress response – that extra push you get when you're in a high-pressure situation – is actually a response our bodies use for survival. We get a jolt of alertness that also boosts memory. This is helpful, yet only recommended as a short-term occurrence. The more often you try to complete tasks with this level of stress, the more susceptible you are to negative health as a result.

Teaches Toughness
Life becomes stressful, usually because things are out of our control (or so we think). Short-term stress helps us learn how to deal with difficult situations. For example, when you have to finish a project under a time-constraint or push yourself to memorize a speech, you're teaching your brain discipline and resilience. Stress can be beneficial to our growth – if we use it correctly.

Increases Motivation
Adrenaline increases motivation – athletes, performers, and anyone in high stress performance situations knows this. That, “push the pedal to the medal” stress mindset reminds people how important their task is. It can increase drive, and can overshadow underlying nerves. Stress can ignite your passion for something, as long as you let it motivate you, not make you anxious.

How To Prevent “Bad Stress”
Stress becomes unproductive and unhealthy because of two factors: duration and attitude. says that its the chronic, lasting stress that increases health risks such as cardiovascular disease. The more often you allow yourself to stress, the more it'll wear on your body. Also, your attitude about stress is ultimately what decides whether its good or bad. Do you get easily overwhelmed or discouraged by a stressful situation? Change your mindset. The more you look at stress as a necessary, short-term means to achieve a goal, the better you'll be able to handle it.

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