Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt

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Benefits of Dead Sea Salt
If you've been reading our blog for a while, you know that we value wellness as a main component of employee productivity. We've been covering several health topics such as super foods to keep in your kitchen, tips to reducing stress, and others. So today, we're covering something surprisingly multi-use for mental and physical health: Dead Sea Salt. Its taken from the Dead Sea, located in the middle east. You can bathe in it or eat it! Fun facts about the Dead Sea: its saltier than most oceans, so plants and animals aren't able to live in it. People have used it's salt for years as a tourist “spa” because of its several mineral benefits. Here's why it'll help you in many aspects of your life – even your professional wellness (taken from

Improves Mental Health
Salt helps you de-stress? Well, dead sea salt can. As professionals, we need to release loads of tension. Dead sea salt baths or mud treatments will not only help you relax, but they also contain minerals that will release stress. It increases you blood circulation – thus detoxifying your body be removing byproducts that are often formed by stress. It contains Bromine, Zinc, and Magnesium – each known to calm down the nervous system. A nice dead sea salt soak is also a great way to cure insomnia as it relaxes your muscles.

Helps With Blood And Heart Health
That's right – a type of salt can reduce heart conditions! Of course, we are only talking about dead sea salt here. Cardiovascular diseases usually thicken blood vessels because of hypertension or too much fat. The potassium, magnesium, and calcium in dead sea salt can help control blood pressure and normalizes irregular heartbeats– which helps reduce risk of heart disease. It can also help you maintain a balanced level of blood sugar – making people less dependent on insulin for blood regulation.

Skin Health
Dead sea salt is a very popular exfoliant for good reason. It helps remove dead skin, encourages peripheral blood circulation. It helps treatment for dermatitis and acne scars. Its also considered a natural remedy to psoriasis, if used in additional to professional treatments or medications. It helps relieve vigorous itching and scaling, while also benefiting psoriatic arthritis.

Teeth/Bone Health
Believe it or not, there's fluoride in dead sea salt, which helps strengthen tooth enamel. It assists in preventing excessive cavities and alleviates other oral health issues such as sores, bleeding gums, and sore throats. In addition, dead sea salt was shown to improve the health of those suffering from Osteoarthritis.

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