Multitasking - Benefit or Albatross?
We’ve read hundreds of job descriptions that ask for candidates who “have the ability to multitask”. However, does this ability really translate productively on the job? Stanford researchers conducted a study of two groups of people - one group that regularly multitasks and one that does not. Here are the results:
It wears on our brains
The stop and start process was found to be rough on our brains and rather than saving time, it costs time! Efficiency gets sacrificed in lieu of multi-tasking because of the tendency to make mistakes. Think about it. Sure, you can handle taking phone calls in between working on a project. However, do you ever miss a line of text and forget to back track? Do you have several tabs open at once and forget to complete an assignment? It happens to the best of us, especially since we’re expected to do several things at once.
Multitasking in HR
In the HR world you are expected to do it all! At Crossroads, we understand the struggle and are here to help. Some companies see services like ours as an added expense when in reality the added expense is expecting HR teams to do it all and then some.
Multitasking effectively
At Crossroads, we’ve tackled this multitasking issue by creating a streamlined process that was established by our founder on the principles of focusing on one task and completing it to the absolute best of our ability.
Typical agencies have the same problem that you yourself have; they do all of the posting, research, recruiting, interviewing, and leg work that goes into the recruiting process. Our agency multi-tasks effectively through our established teams who are assigned to focus on each piece of the recruiting puzzle to maximize results. We’ve changed the game while addressing the traditional issues of staffing services. It’s just a matter of organizing and allocating your important tasks to the best of your ability.
Now in your department I am sure it is a miracle you have even had the time to read this. Take a good look at your desk and the pile of day to day duties you have in front of you, take a look at your job board, and take a deep breath. We are here to help!
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